Elaine Walters O.A.M
Community Educator and Advocate. In celebratory memory of an outstanding Australian and her tireless and often seminal work in the Drug prevention arena. The Dalgarno Institute has long valued her work and ongoing support of our mission. Elaine will be missed but her singificant legacy will continue; not least with her final book 'Street Drugs - a New Addiction Industry'.

Fourth Wave Foundation
Category Two – Community Modelling. For excellence in creating community capacity for resiliency development in youth to deny/delay uptake of substances – specifically the community sporting event The Venda Cup http://www.fourthwavefoundation.org/

Drug Advisory Council of Australia
Category One - Community Advocate Award given to D.A.C.A. for their leadership in drug policy advocacy, and their growing community activism in promoting awareness of Primary Prevention messaging in the illicit drug space.

Donald Cameron
For a lifetime of championing the fight against drink/drug driving. This renowned Australian Artist not only invested time and much of the proceeds of his art sales, but was founding President of P.A.D.D (People Against Drink Driving). Donald led the charge on initiatives such as Random Breath Testing, and authored the booklet ‘RBT – When Random Breath Testing Came to Australia‘.

Sport And Life Training
Category Three Awarded to Sport And Life Training Organisation for their excellent education program, empowering sporting clubs to reduce the harms from alcohol and other drugs in their club and community.

SMART International
Category Two: Community Model Award. Awarded to SMART International for their evidence based ‘contract’ model aimed at delaying/denying uptake of alcohol and other drugs in their communities.

William Lawrence
Mr William Lawrence - For championing the fight against yet another ‘booze barn’ licensing approval in Essendon. In appreciation for his tireless work (in a virtually solo effort) to give families and the wider community a voice against the ever-increasing availability of alcohol to our municipalities.

Colliss Parrett
Awarded to Mr Colliss Parrett, current drug policy advisor for Australian Family Association in acknowledgement of decades of selfless service of the community in both drug education and drug policy advocacy. This marathon and efficacious commitment has meant our communities and families have had a voice of reason for proactive community health and safety.

Awarded to Teen Challenge, Tasmania, for actively modelling to, and mentoring young people in the healthier and safer choice of avoiding or delaying uptake of alcohol and other drugs. For stepping into the 'demand reduction education and advocacy' space for the proactive protection of Tasmania’s emerging generation.

Professor Jan Copeland
National Cannabis Prevention Centre For continuing to champion the cause of prevention of Cannabis use in community, whilst giving sound evidence based research and education on the harms of Cannabis use in society.

Kerryn Redpath
To Kerryn Redpath of Purple DAESY for continuing to selflessly champion better community safety and health, whilst giving public voice to the community impacted by alcohol fuelled violence, disorder and damage.

Tony & Angela Wood
Awarded to Young Diggers for tireless and compassionate support of returned soldiers and Young Diggers who struggle with alcohol & other drug issues. For seeking not only to reduce harms, but create protective and preventative environments for same.

Young Diggers
Awarded to Young Diggers for tireless and compassionate support of returned soldiers and Young Diggers who struggle with alcohol & other drug issues. For seeking not only to reduce harms, but create protective and preventative environments for same.

Tony Hoang
Tony Hoang (Category One – Community Advocate) for continuing to selflessly champion better community health and well-being, through education and modelling; For giving public voice to the community impacted by the use of illicit drugs.

Dr Anthony Lynham
For continuing to selflessly champion better community health and well-being, whilst giving public voice to the community impacted by the prolific and irresponsible promotion and misuse of alcohol.

John Toumbourou
For continuing to selflessly champion better health and well-being, for the young and vulnerable, whilst giving outstanding academic public voice to the community impacted by the prolific and irresponsible promotion and misuse of alcohol.

Aaron Schultz
details not available

Tony Brown
Tony Brown heads up the Coalition of Newcastle inner city resident groups, small businesses and concerned citizens. Tony has worked tirelessly and at great expense, including death threats and having his family car trashed, to stem the tide of community damage by alcohol and unscrupulous Hotels in Inner City Newcastle. Tony received Isabella’s List Category One ‘Community Advocate’ award, along with a grant for their on-going fight.

Live Free
Live Free (Teen Challenge Victoria) continue to model successful pioneering therapeutic community rehabilitation. Beyond this great and successful model, they advocate for Fence Building enterprises to prevent the start of Alcohol and other drug uptake. Congratulations on your continuing and sacrificial service to your Victorian communities.

David Brook
Awarded to Mr David Brook for continuing to selflessly champion better community safety and health, whilst facilitating public voice to the community around the negative impact of alcohol on families and the young.

Gosford RSL
Gosford RSL – were bought to our attention by a couple of different sources. As a community and family club, they have worked extremely hard to not only follow all R.S.A (Responsible Serving of Alcohol) Legislation, but have gone beyond – including, the banning of ‘double shots’ and intoxication promoting activities. They promote and operate as a community and family friendly venue and do so in an area where other clubs/hotels operate to the contrary. The club received Isabella’s List Category Three Award for ‘Community Responsibility’ and along with a certificate were given three dozen bottles of Alcohol Free Wine – which were well received. The management of the club were very grateful for the award and were appreciative of both our community stand and our efforts. Whilst the Dalgarno Institute continues to champion the option of ‘never having to drink’ (particularly for the under 25 y.o) and advocate for a socially just and responsible society that can do without alcohol, we also feel it important to acknowledge the people who do take positive steps to reduce alcohol consumption and lessen the alcohol profile in our community. If more clubs/pubs did this, there would be reductions in a number of the needless damages done to communities, families and individuals.

“The Jewish House is a true example of "people helping people". At Jewish House we don't just say our motto, we are our motto.” Jewish house doesn’t only support those who find themselves in Crisis in the community, but more importantly continue to advocate for, as well as resource toward proactive and protective changes. From their Crisis Line, emergency accommodation to their Point Zero Alcohol and Other Drug Education in schools and community.

Management of Seamus OToole Irish Pub – Knox City
Category 3 – Community Harm Reduction: For maximising the use of RSA standards, to minimise alcohol misuse. Working tirelessly to keep venue illicit drug free – creating a healthier and safer ‘community’ environment for Patrons

DB Recovery Resources
Deidre Boyd’s remarkable and effective tenure in proactive work to promote recovery and profile prevention are paralleled by few. The DB Resource platform and voice remain vital in the sector.

Mr Gary Christian
Mr Gary Christian (Research Fellow) and Drug Free Australia for their advocacy leadership in the political and policy arenas. Their growing activism in promoting awareness of Primary Prevention messaging and community education in best-practice demand reduction in the illicit drug space.

Lady Grainne Kenny
(Category One – Community Advocate Award) (As she is affectionately referred to by our Organisation)
For her lifetime of outstanding global, advocacy and leadership in the political, policy and education arenas. Grainne’s relentless activism in promoting awareness of Primary Prevention, Demand Reduction and drug use exiting Recovery are tough to equal and she will be sorely missed by the Primary Prevention Sector.