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psychIntroduction: The increase of cannabis use, particularly with the evolution of high potency products, and of cannabis use disorder (CUD) are a growing health care concern. While the harms of adult use and potential medicinal properties of cannabis continue to be debated, it is becoming evident that adolescent cannabis use is a critical window for CUD risk with potential lifelong mental health implications. Herein, we discuss mental health consequences of adolescent cannabis use, factors that contribute to the risk of developing CUD, and w(S(hat remains unclear in the changing legal landscape of cannabis use. We also discuss the importance of preclinical models to provide translational insight about the causal relationship of cannabis to CUD-related phenotypes and conclude by highlighting opportunities for clinicians and allied professionals to engage in addressing adolescent cannabis use.

Conclusion: The relationship between developmental cannabis, the impact of high potency products, and increased risk of developing CUD and mental health problems must be taken seriously, especially in light of the current mental health crisis. The plasticity of the developing brain offers windows of opportunity for prevention and early intervention to change that trajectory. Clearly new treatment strategies are needed to address the mounting challenge of CUD risk in teens and young adults. While data accumulated over the past decades about the effects of now “low dose” THC has been very valuable, significant research efforts in preclinical models are needed, focused on THC potency relevant to today’s products. Additionally, longitudinal studies such as ABCD should be able to provide important insights about factors related to resilience that may also help guide the development of intervention strategies. Altogether, the combined longitudinal, clinical and preclinical efforts will help provide unprecedented knowledge to mitigate the trajectory of CUD and related psychiatric disorders, both of which have a strong neurodevelopmental etiology.

(Source: https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp.20231006

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