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handphoneJust when we thought we had a handle on teen substance abuse (we did NOT), along comes social media to throw a digital wrench in the works. It turns out those shiny apps on our kids’ phones aren’t just for sharing selfies and dance videos – they’re inadvertently serving as virtual gateways to drug and alcohol experimentation. While health officials have been patting themselves on the back for decades of anti-drug campaigns, social media algorithms have been quietly undermining their efforts, one viral post at a time. Parents, educators, and health professionals, it’s time to face facts: we’ve got a new drug dealer in town, and it’s hiding in plain sight on every teenager’s home screen. 

Leveraging Social Media for Prevention

While social media poses significant risks, some experts see potential in harnessing these platforms for substance use prevention and education. Government agencies and health organisations in the United States have launched anti-vaping campaigns on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, which may have contributed to recent declines in teen vaping rates.

However, these efforts are still vastly outnumbered by pro-substance content. Researchers emphasise the need for sustained investment in developing effective social media-based prevention strategies. This could involve partnering with social media influencers to create engaging anti-drug content or collaborating with young people to co-design relevant messaging that resonates with teen audiences.

The Australian government has begun experimenting with influencer-led campaigns to spark conversations among youth about the harms of vaping and nicotine addiction. While this approach leverages influencers’ authenticity and established audience relationships, experts caution that careful vetting and risk mitigation plans are necessary.

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