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girlsmokeA recent study has unveiled concerning evidence about the impact of vaping on young adults’ physical fitness, drawing parallels between the effects of vaping and traditional smoking. This research, presented at the European Respiratory Society’s annual meeting, highlights the potential risks associated with vaping, which could be as detrimental to physical health as smoking. This article delves into the study’s methodology, key findings, and the broader implications for public health.

Key Findings: The study revealed stark differences in physical performance between vapers, smokers, and those who neither vaped nor smoked. Both vapers and smokers exhibited reduced exercise capacity, with maximum outputs of 186 watts and 182 watts, respectively, compared to 226 watts among the control group. Additionally, average oxygen consumption was lower for vapers and smokers (2.7 litres per minute and 2.6 litres per minute, respectively) than for their non-vaping counterparts (3 litres per minute).

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